How To Recognize the Hidden Signs of Depression
Depression isn’t always easy to catch. Many people believe depression is not being able to get out of bed, or hiding in a dark room all day, or not being able to smile or laugh. While these are definitely signs of depression, there are also some symptoms that are harder to recognize.
If you suspect that you or someone you know is struggling with depression, here’s a list of depression symptoms that you should look for.

1. Consistently making excuses
A lot of the time, individuals struggling with depression tend to avoid social situations where they’re forced to talk or be around other people. If you start to notice that yourself or a friend is constantly making excuses for not getting together, it could be a hidden symptom of depression. It’s important to pay close attention to this symptom, and ensure that yourself or your friend doesn’t begin isolating themself completely.

2. Accidentally revealing how they feel
Living with depression is overwhelming. Oftentimes, those who struggle with depression bottle up their emotions, and sometimes might end up admitting that they need help without anyone noticing. They might reach out and admit that they’re struggling, or that they’re not okay, and then take it back before anyone has the chance to act upon it. It’s crucial to recognize these warning signs, and take someone’s admission seriously, even if it might seem like a joke.

[CTA: Are you struggling with depression or know someone that is? You’re not alone. Speak to someone by reaching out to the Calgary Distress Centre, open 24/7]
3. Showing concern for everyone but themself
It’s very common for someone who’s struggling with depression to show extra attention to friends or family and how they feel, but to not show any attention to their own feelings. Individuals with depression also tend to isolate their emotions from anyone else, not allowing anyone to see how they actually feel. If a friend shows concern for how you feel, be sure to return the favour, and if they seem guarded about how they feel, recognize that this could be a hidden sign of depression.

4. Increased irritability
Sometimes depression might mask itself into looking like something different. An increase in anger or irritability is actually a tell-tale sign that someone is struggling with depression, though many people believe that sadness is the only tell-tale sign. They might express an attitude towards others that is of annoyance, or impatience. If you notice that yourself or another seems to be more irritated than usual, recognize that this is another hidden sign of depression.

5. Feeling neutral - not happy, but not sad
Oftentimes, those who are struggling with depression feel an intense sense of emptiness that doesn’t seem to go away. It’s hard to determine if you’re feeling sad, or depressed, or if you feel anything at all. If you feel this way, or if someone you know expresses that they don’t feel happy, but don’t feel sad, this might be a very important hidden sign of depression that is crucial to watch out for.

More than 300 million people struggle with depression worldwide, and it is currently the leading cause of disability. If you feel that you’re suffering from depression, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. We hope that these five (5) hidden warning signs allow you to recognize that you or someone you know might be struggling with depression, and that the opportunity to get help is available.
If you think that you might be depressed, please reach out to someone you trust, whether that be a friend, family member, or a professional. No one should have to struggle in silence.
To find out how VictoryLab™ can help you or someone you know with the struggle against depression, please click here.