How to Know if You’re Suffering from One of Today’s Most Common Mental Illnesses
(c) VictoryLab Inc. 2018
Yesterday, September 30th, was the start of Canada’s Mental Health Awareness Week. We at VictoryLab are committed to making a difference by not only raising awareness about mental health, but also by taking action.
Mental health is a complex and diverse subject, as it affects everyone who suffers differently. However, more than 97% of people with a generalized anxiety disorder go undiagnosed, as well as almost 66% who are struggling with a major depressive disorder. This week’s blog is dedicated to bringing awareness to the signs of common mental illnesses, and how to take the first step towards treatment. Let’s take a look:

There are many forms of anxiety disorders, but they all take a large toll on anyone who suffers with one. One of the most common anxiety disorders is social anxiety disorder, which is the fear of social situations and the fear of being negatively judged by other people. Some symptoms of a social anxiety disorder include nervousness, trembling, dry mouth, racing heart, sweating, and high levels of fear when being placed in a social situation.
Thankfully, a lot of anxiety disorders can be treated today. We recommend talking to a mental health professional that specializes in the anxiety disorder that you’re struggling with. Another great idea is to locate some therapy groups near you, as discussing your struggles with a group of people who are also experiencing the same thing can be extremely helpful.
[There are many events in our lives that can create stress or anxiety. If you’re looking for some tips on how to deal with anxiety, check out this blog.]

Essentially, depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistently low mood and a feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Depression is a very common mental illness in society today, and symptoms include insomnia, low appetite, reduced interest in enjoyable activities, and feelings of worthlessness. Individuals struggling with depression often begin to experience suicidal thoughts, with many people committing suicide due to depression.
Because of this, it’s extremely important to learn how to treat depression. One of the best things you can do is to talk to someone and develop a healthy support system. Another treatment option is to make an appointment with your doctor, where they can help you decide on what path you’re willing to take.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is a mental health disorder that is triggered by a traumatic event, either from experiencing or witnessing it. This disorder causes intrusive symptoms, which include re-living the event with flashbacks or nightmares against your will, as well as negative changes in mood, hopelessness about the future, a general feeling of numbness, and overwhelming guilt. A large number of individuals who suffer with PTSD also experience suicidal thoughts.
The best way to treat a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is by seeking help, as it can help prevent the symptoms from getting any worse. You can talk to someone anytime at the Distress Center by clicking here, and making an appointment with a mental health professional is a very effective way to get help.

We’re starting a conversation about mental health. Use your voice to help us raise awareness. Need some inspiration? Listen to these powerful words.
Eating Disorders
There are multiple types of eating disorders, such as bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating disorder. Eating disorders are characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress about body weight or shape. Some symptoms for these mental illnesses are being alarmingly underweight, weight fluctuations, depression, and an unhealthy obsession with calorie counting. Eating disorders can be deadly, which is why it’s so important to seek help.
There are varying levels of treatment for those who struggle with an eating disorder, such as outpatient support groups, treatment centers, and hospitalization for those who are dangerously underweight. The first step in receiving treatment is to admit that you need help and to let someone know that you’re struggling. Then, finding a professional who specializes in eating disorders can help you identify what path you want to take when receiving treatment.
There are many more common mental illnesses in society today, so it’s extremely important to do some research if you feel as though you’re struggling with one. We at VictoryLab know how difficult dealing with a mental illness is, which is why we pride ourselves on not only raising awareness about mental illness, but also taking action as well. For those who are struggling, we are with you, and we encourage you to find help. Stay safe.
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